Natural Selection is anything but random

Natural Selection is anything but random
If you do want to go from A to B without having the hassle to conquer slow drivers, idiotic drivers or getting lots of headache finding a place to park your vehicle – I can tell you: Get a Bike! Don’t ask about it – just get one.
There are multiple reasons. First it is just fun to drive. Second you will never have any issues with finding a place to park it. Just stop where you want to go, turn it off and you’re done.
Third: If you are approaching a speed bump, stand up and drive over it without any loss in speed. Easy like that – Speed Bumps are completely useless and only placed by bloody idiots featuring a pair of socks instead of a brain.
Fourth: You can almost every time drive by if you face an idiotic driver in front of you – or a slow one. I mean the really slow ones. Those who have to be 100% concentrated to hold a steering wheel. Those people are dangerous so you should avoid them. If you see them, just get by as quickly as possible – just to be save from them.
Fifth: It will only drink 2.5 litre per kilometre. Because I am european (and therefore we [most of us] are using the RIGHT units) I will not bother to calculate this in miles-per-gallon. Either do we need miles, nor gallons. You should really catch up with the modern times in switch to the metric system 🙂
Sixth: Lower Tax, Lower Insurance and for power/weight ratio you get the same as with a 130 hp car – how cool is that. But the best part is surely to not throw money in the endless throat of the government – this is pretty engrossing.
Someone may already have noticed that english is not my main language. But actually I do a lot of stuff around the globe and I am mainly using the english language for that stuff.
That’s the reason this site is (and will stay) in english, even if I do a lot of mistakes using this language – in the end it is also some sort of learning-by-doing for me to improve my skills – and I have to improve them 🙂
I am fine with critics, when I do write something pretty bad – I actually was called drunk the other day, because I mispelled something really badly. Sometime my english is acutally really monster-bad so hopefully it is still readable and people are able to understand what I want to say 😉
This is the obligatory first post of this blog – there always has to be a first post, you just cannot start without having a first post.
Souns obvious, but it’s a fact – a true fact. Not a fact someone THINKS is a fact, it’s just a real, plain fact. Maybe people should be more aware of what being an actual fact and what is just disbelieve based on lacking knowledge.
Anyone disagree with me? Let me know! 🙂